I'm back from my self-imposed lengthy hiatus, one of the primary reasons for which I will explain shortly.
First, I'd like to make a point of posting something upbeat for a change. So far in this blog, I've been somewhat limited to hurling invective at various members of the BBWAA. That is, of course, because they deserve it, but such a constant stream of negativity does tend to wear on a person after a while, and I have no super powers that make me immune to that. Sometimes a person just needs to focus on the positive.
So, to that end, I will delay posts on such topics as the foolish response of many BBWAA members to the Veterans' Committee's rejection of Ron Santo a couple of months ago, and I'll temporarily pass up the chance to point out how silly some of the positions held by ESPN's stable of BBWAA members are. Those will be topics for another day.
Today, I'm going to point out one of the good guys. Joe Posnanski is a BBWAA member, and his new blog exudes exactly the kind of enthusiasm for the sport of baseball that is too frequently lacking in today's group of hardened, cynical writers. He has such obvious passion for the subjects of his posts, and clearly gives each so much thought, that it's a pleasure to read a guy who breaks a sweat on his side gig.
That's not to say that I agree with everything Joe writes there. He has the habit of putting some of his posts together somewhat quickly, which is obviously excusable given their length and his full-time job, but does lead to some glaring omissions or errors at times. And he's one of those voters who still doesn't see the case for Jim Rice, something I will always find objectionable.
Still, despite those flaws, it's a great blog, and I've made The Soul Of Baseball a regular stop during my day. (In fact, not only will you see my mug gracing a few reader comments, but Joe was kind enough to label me one of his "brilliant readers" in one post.) I strongly suggest you do the same.
Finally, the principle reason I've been absent of late is that I lost my father, Joe White, to emphysema-driven pneumonia on April 7th. It came on swiftly and strongly, and a week after Dad begged off coming to my daughter's 7th birthday party because he didn't have the stamina, he was gone. He didn't suffer, thankfully, and my Mom and all of his children and grandchildren (save the newest) had a chance to see him, talk to him, and hold his hand as he left us.
Dad and I had a rocky relationship at times, as most kids do with their parents at one point or another, but those days were long past, those wounds long healed. When he left us, I just couldn't find the energy to do anything extra during my days, including write this blog, so I hope you can excuse my extended absence. If you have a chance, and are of the drinking sort, raise a glass to a good man, Joe White, and wish him slán, or farewell, on his new journey.

An Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
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